Trump Ghosted By Wife, Daughter

After a being jeered, booed, and heckled at a rally last week, it looks like he’s being abandoned by Melania and Ivanka at his trial now. He’s been charged for a range of crimes, is (poorly) defending a whole raft of other charges any of which will end in jail time, takes (and is no doubt dependent on) a range of illegal and brain-destroying drugs and is even therefore more mentally challenged than his Dem counterpart.

How can there still be any Republican that wants him for their leader? Yr Ed. thinks that the best thing that can happen is that they’re both barred from contesting the next election, in Trump’s case to throw him jail and lose the key, in Biden’s, to put him out to pasture and lose the key.

This is a “Quickie” post – stuff I don’t want to write a full piece on, but which I would still like to share with you. I’m always open to people’s views on everything – is the “Quickie” category a good idea? It does allow me to share a thing I find interesting / activating and add a quick commment which increases the number of articles coming online each week, but also these are lightweight.

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