You’ve just found yourself in a strange world, another planet. Everything’s – odd, a bit off. You check that there’s no bad taste in your mouth, no telltale headache, to show you got too drunk or had been drugged. The place stays stubbornly real around you.
Welcome to the TEdASPHERE Globe, my gallimaufry of articles, snippets, and observations. This whole site is the new home of a lot of publications I had previously hosted elsewhere. The posts of those venerable and ancient blogs are still there on their original sites, but new article posts are now all posted here in a new format.
The old articles were on individual publications each covering roughly one specific topic (personal blog, recipe blog, social justice blog, blogs pursuing corporate and government injustices, one covering 3D printing and technology and its application to recycling and all things recycling, and so forth) and have now become categories on The Globe.
Here you’re as likely to read about the latest in electric shipping or flying as an article urging you to write to your supermarket manager to demand that they stop being Bastards. You might find a snippet from somewhere in the world that I found amusing, or an article about environmental destruction – or environmental restoration through actions such as emailing a government Minister en masse to act.
A particular thing you’ll often find is an exhortation to “Keep The Bastards Honest” which if you search for on the Internet you’ll find was a political slogan by one Don Chipp, and since it’s decades back, that particular party no longer exists under it’s old guise, and the saying expresses exactly what I want to convey, I’ve borrowed it. Come and get it Don!
Whom To Blame
I’m Ted, aka PTEC3D, and I hope you enjoy reading here as much as I enjoy writing here. The site is run solely by me, but these days it also features links to other sources online that have interesting content using RSS syndication.
Stuff To Do
I’ve organised the site to have a few Members Only perks, such as ability to post Classifieds and access MO articles, membership is free and will stay free.
There’s a Letters To The Editor section available to express yourself, but be aware that egregious and explicit content will be removed, I use the occasional fuck or shit on here but will not tolerate bastardry of an explicit nature.
You can subscribe to a newsletter that allows you to personalise what you want to keep tabs on and is the easiest way to stay current with everything going on here.
Under any article you read you’ll find a section where you can enter your email and then choose your subscriptions. This section also has icons to share the article to your social networks, if yours isn’t there just click the [+] icon to the right to get just about every other option known to exist and they all work but are just too many to list all together.
There you’ll also find a section for Comments, you can leave a comment on any article but the same rules apply as for the Classifieds and Letters To The Editor sections, so please be a bit selective in what you say.
I’ll often solicit for donations because I exist on a government age pension which is not a lot to live on, and have spend quite a lot of it to pay fees for the hosted services, domain names, subscriptions to news sources and references, and so forth – unless my readers donate something like the price of a cup of coffee occasionally or (as one kind donor does) monthly.
If I don’t put the donation link right into my call to action, you can scroll down to the very bottom of each page and find some text “KoFi | Support The Globe! | Paypal” which link to Ko-Fi, a short article explaining why I really need donations in order to keep this site alive, and a Paypal Me link. There’s also a Contact link if you’d like to contact me outside of comments or LttE.
So – please have a look around, click around the Categories links, and feel free to speak up if you so desire. Communication should be a two-way affair.
You’ll notice the fetching header image above, this is my rendition of The Construction Of The Not-So-Bastard Gate (three links there, you’ll go back to the venerable old blog site) which was built by Your Editor a few years ago and the official opening ceremony of which was attended by myself and Elvis as you can see.
Yes, I post images and descriptions of projects I undertake around the place because most are frugal and useful if you wanted to, say, recycle some plastic at home using old appliances or make a bat roosting house to attract bats and keep around 1000 mosquitoes per bat safely dead rather than attaching themselves to you. Since I can make these projects and I’m a fumble-fingers, if I can do it so can you,
Pickle the cat also welcomes you.
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