Category: TEdASPHERE Globe
Just umbrella articles about the publications I have around the web.
Newsletter Subscriptions
Would you like to just get an email when a new article of interest is published? Or just when any article on here gets published? Or just a once-weekly summary? Well, you can! Nothing but the best for the readers! Open any article, look under the horizontal line, and you’ll see “Discover more from The…
A New Post On Ko-Fi
I’ve placed a post on Ko-Fi to let people there know about the TEdASPHERE Globe and hoping that it’ll bring more people to also become a member here and subscribe to the newsletter from here, both are, and always will be, free facilities here. The newsletter will let you know (on your schedule and only…
Let’s Go Out With Style!
Was wondering how best to handle the change-over from my scattered blogs to here on the TEdASPHERE Globe, and came up with an idea. It all started so innocently…. Posting that on Mastodon (Okay – tooting that on Mastodon) started a little cascade action that ended with a guerilla action. Online acquaintances started chiming in…
One Month Later…
One month after starting up this site, here we are. 6th June, 6th May May 6 I began a hands-on experiment with a magazine/newspaper style of “umbrella site” to hold all my other publications that are currently scattered across several services out there. The idea was that “TEdASPHERE v1.0” would be a good learning experience,…
Need Features
I’m trying to use all the features of this WordPress theme and getting frustrated – then I notice some features are disabled. They’re missing because this WordPress theme is pretty good and supports images, but like all good things, it costs to get the full version. In Aussiebux™, around $80. From the creator’s website, it…
This Is The Duck’s Nots (sic)
On my publications on other blog/news websites, I was having trouble being able to do what I can do now on this server! Like, Subscribe, Share, and there are a few more features I’ll have to wait to unlock, but so far this move to WordPress has been a lot of win. Best of all…
Where Are The Old Posts?
As you know I’m moving my online articles to this newspaper-style site, to simplify things for myself and hopefully for you as well. That means there’s a split going on. As of May/June of 2024, any posts still scheduled on the old sites will still post there, but (hopefully – WordPress is still a deep…
Say hi to the new TEdASPHERE Globe
I’ve been blogging (and am all growed up now and call it “publishing a suite of nine vanity blogs”) for longer than there was an Internet to blog on. There were these things called “Bulletin Board Systems” before that and I put my thoughts into textfiles on my BBS. After that, I put up hand-linked…