There are a few places to navigate around.
The main navigation areas are
- A – The date and time.
- B – Click here to open the Tags menu, where you can find all posts with a particular tag. Tags just help to classify articles by the content, such as “energy” or “recycling” etc.
- C – The Title, which you can click from any page to return to the homepage.
- D – The Category Menu, which is where you get to select the publications (which are still the old PTEC3D blog etc but now just tagged under a category instead) that used to be on their own websites before and are now in one convenient easy to find location.
- E – The Search and Light/Dark buttons. Click Search to find articles with a particular word in the body or title. Handy when you need to find older articles. The Light/Dark button allows you to display the site in normal mode or Dark Mode.
- F – This is the same menu as D, i.e.the Category menu, just placed on the side and lower down so that you can just select Categories without having to scroll all the way back up to the top.
The Categories are as follows:
- The Editor’s Desk. A small editorial section.
- TEdASPHERE – news concerning the actual publication The TEdASPHERE Globe.
- Classifieds – pretty much what it says. Classifieds will delete after a certain period.
- Get Activated! This is the point of the Globe, to get people more active in gentle nonviolent activism.
- PTEC3D Blog being mostly the technology that helps or hinders with sustainability and recycling and waste etc.
- TEdALOG Lite II was one of my original blogs and has been around in various formats for thirty years.
- TEdADYNE Systems deals more in depth with technology, EVs, various AI systems, cyborging, robots, etc
- Zen CookBook which details abuses of power or monopoly, misdemeanours of corporations, and stuff that aggravates me and should aggravate you too.
- O Hai Corona was a reaction blog started when the coronavirus pandemic started and now mainly covers medicine, diseases, medical responses to diseases, etc.
- Extras
- Grumpy Old Guy – just another grumpy old guy rant page
- TEdAMENU Tuckertime actually IS a recipes, food lore, and food technology site
- Scraping The Web’s where automated reposts of other sites occurs, stuff like:
- Other Tech Articles
- The Funnies
- Quickies
- The Zorganite Encumber
- About
- Where To Find Stuff
- Contact Details
- Privacy Policy
There are few fixed pages on the site, and they appear under the “About” menu item. They may help you figure this site out if you need help – but it’s pretty intuitive.
What’s with the “TEdXXXXX” names everywhere?
Since you got this far, let me tell you the story of my people… Or me, at any rate. In the days before Internet (I know right? Scary!) I was living in a smallish town and the local computer repair guy was running a thing called a BBS (A “bulletin board system” which is what those old kiddie hacker movies featured) and I’d just bought one of the earliest PCs from him and he convinced me to buy a modem and gave me details to connect to the BBS.
I did, and a few months later I’d moved, and instead of connecting to a new BBS, I set up my own. People connected to my BBS. Since I adopted the nickname “Ted” wayyyy backing my history, I decided “TEdLIVISION – don’t touch that dial!!!” was the right name for the BBS. And as all these things go, the BBS also went once there was Internet and slow BBS connections could be avoided… And all the text files I’d had on the BBS having vanished along with the BBS, so I decided to recreate that atmosphere in a bunch of web pages, which I laboriously wrote using Notepad and then uploaded.
That suite of linked pages became “TEdLIVISION – it’s what happens when you close the ole BBS” and sadly vanished when the internet provider I had them on, closed up shop. Sad because by then I’d found some software to automagically let me write the blog on my PC and then upload the new pages and links – I thought it was pretty cool.
But then I was uploading to a new provider – and realised that I was probably facing the same possibility of *that* service provider going out of business – it was getting to be a problem. The newest version of the charmed name, “TEdALOG Lite” was, as far as I was concerned, on a shaky footing and I managed to download archives of most of the posts from this service provider before they too, shut up shop. Which they actually did. Bugga…
Luckily for me, Google had started a blogging service called “” (which readers get to see as “”) and that made it easy to generate a whole slew of blogs, the first of which was – of course – “TEdALOG Lite II.” From here it was a matter of making awful puns on the topics of things and begat “TEdADYNE Systems” and “TEdAMENU Tuckertime” – and then I stopped making more names on that pattern.
But over the years, Google has shut down hundreds of projects like blogger, and I started to worry…
So now, here we are with TEdASPHERE Globe, and the odd capitalisation has sort of become a trademark. And there you go.
There are also plenty of nudges spread around the Globe to ask for your support and donations because without those I can’t even fully activate this theme to include the images it should have. I’m operating on the sniff of a shoestring.
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