Just a quick reminder. And also just a quick reminder that it’s always worth keeping a mask on… Sat at the barber’s I was the only one. Walking around the local shopping mall, I’m one of fewer than five. Picking up fish and chips, you guessed it. And even in hospitals and doctor’s surgeries, masks…

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We’re in a Bug War.

What I mean is – we openly acknowledge that we’re in a war with micro-organisms. All there is on this planet is one thing consuming another and then being in their own turn being consumed. To put it more bleakly, “everything becomes something else’s poop, just give it time.) Who knows? We know about “zombie…

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Catching COVID isn’t a smart move

It was said not so long back that long COVID could cause cognition / intellect declines in patients. There were also claims that just catching COVID also caused those declines in, well, brainpower. Having now become a COVID statistic myself, I’m aware that I feel slightly less c capable than before the infection. But to…

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How Frozen Is Too Frozen?

There’s a suggestion that raising the temperature of your food deep freeze by 3 degrees C could save a huge amount (the article suggests 17 megatons) of CO2 annually. Setting the thermostat from -18C to -15C, it’s suggested, will help the climate crisis. And look – that is NOT the main point of the research…

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