Snippet: Cat “Poop Zoomies”

Not just the gingers, either – most moggies get elated by a few things, or angry and annoyed. And they have limited means to express those feelings. So sometimes they “sing” at 4AM, or get the 3AM Zoomies when they feel happy. Also the vagus nerve connection is why they’re so conflicted about touching their bellies – they love it but can they trust you with their weak spot?

And they can express those feelings better by “stomping” their feet as they zoom around. One of our bois, George, was always a bit miffed when he had to come in at night and I locked the cat door. and he’d show it by running in a particular way that was almost like a kid throwing a mini-tantrum. It was cute but also heart-breaking because he usually did it when I closed off a hole he’d found to get out of the cat yard. Natural for him to want to patrol – but not with foxes and owls and dogs around. And now it’s local law anyway.

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