Okay, this old curmudgeon looks like being around for a while. Maybe. But let’s get introductions happening first. For this category/section, not me. You’re gonna hear and see way too many stories from me. This section’s called “Not Today” which is – yeah – from the GoT series, the marvellous advice given to Aria by her trainer. During their lessons, he explains that there is only one god, and his name is Death. ‘And what do we say to the God of Death? Not today.’
And who am I?
I’m not dead yet. That’ll suffice. I’m Your Editor for this publication, and have around ten blogs on other sites that were getting to be a bit much to manage. So I consolidated them. Individual blog publications became Categories here on the TEdASPHERE Globe. “Tis Not Today” was the name of this one on it’s old location but still hadn’t even had an article posted.
So this article on the Not Today category is my diary and my autobiography and memoir.
Today is the 5th of September 2024, it’s afternoon, and I’m quickly jotting down a few notes. Yesterday, Kerry and I drove 20 minutes to the lovely Phillip Island here in Victoria, to have a stress echocardiogram. We left home early and bought some hard-to-get Asian groceries at San Remo, the start of the bridge to Phillip Island, had a snack of dim sims, and then drove all the way across the island to the township of Cowes. It’s only a few km further and we had time to spare.
Then we headed to the medical centre and I was ultrasounded and sat on an exercise cycle to get me aerobic (easy to do as I have COPD-related emphysema) and then my heart echoed again – result: Clean bill of health for the little pump, and also the cardiologist was also Kerry’s cardiologist and recognised me so all in all a pleasant enough thing.
Still doesn’t explain why I’m feeling so crappy but it’s one more thing crossed off the list of suspects.
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