BRAD Banish Recycling

A propos of recycling, here’s a scheme that you may wish to support. Bear in mind that while it is a cost, it’s a small cost compared to the ultimate cost that profligate waste is costing us already and will continue to cost us more and more as the months go by.

Why Aren’t Corporations Paying Their Due Share?

C’mon – have you ever known a snivelling shitbag corporation to actually pay for their reckless profiteering? Yeah, nah. To use an Aussieism. Unfortunately, those mongrel bastards will continue to screw us over for every cent they can wring out of us, and that includes fixing their waste that they’ve already been paid for by us at least once over…

What I’m saying is we can’t somehow retroactively take back the wealth they stole from us, and we’re going to have to stump up the cost of fixing their eff-ups if we want to live, if we want our next generation to be able to live. But we can make sure that the future is far better, by “leaning” on ur politicians and making life extremely difficult for them if they don’t do the right thing.

And yeah, I know a lot of you are reading this and shaking your heads because when has popular action ever made the governments accountable -and yet it has happened, because there are a few – maybe tens of thousands – people in the key positions in government and industry, and for every one of them there are tens of millions of us ready to stick a pitchfork in their asses. And yes THAT also has happened.

What we want to have happen is twofold – we want to clean up the mess of the planet, and we want to clean out the rats nests of extremely wealthy people around the planet.

To do that, you have to start somewhere. And that somewhere is to throw out the challenges to that status quo. We have a huge machine for doing that, we can share posts like this one (go ahead, do it, you know you want to and I have Share buttons for dozens of social networks down below this post) and make ourselves aware of what’s happening and what we want to have happen, and once we hit a critical mass, there’ll be results that may surprise you.

You do know why “algorithms” are being applied to every form of social media, don’t you? It’s not to save our poor innocent eyes from seeing orange-gutans and pork-barrelling Scummos. It’s to manage the political tone of those social networks. Here’s a thing – you can do one thing right away to set up backchannels – join TEdASPHERE and you’ll have a group of like-minded people independent of the big social networks. It costs nothing and comes with a few benefits.

I’m building this out as a resource that isn’t under corporate social network control, and with help from a few of you out there we can make this a better place to strategies. And if you can see your way clear to donating a few bucks to help keep it running, my pension would appreciate some of the costs being lifted out of it.

But the important things are “Keep The Bastards Honest” and “if you’re not part of the solution then you’re part of the problem.” Please help solve this. Go to the Banish program and use it, pass the word around, share posts, volunteer here to write articles or just maintain stuff – I’m very open to suggestions.


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