The Body Friendly Zen Cookbook

This is a new start for the Zen Cookbook on TEdASPHERE Globe. I’m amalgamating all my publications under one umbrella publication, this one. I run nine blogs (ten now, with this one) and there have been nine templates to maintain, nine lots of scheduling to do, nine lots of announcements, nine publication schedules.

I’ll put up a post under the TEdASHPERE Globe Section but I’ll just say here that this will reduce my workload on the publication side, and allow me to do more of the things that have fallen behind as a result. I also spend a fair chunk of my pension on the blogs and keeping them online, and again, amalgamation will hopefully lead to a few donor/patrons so I can keep my pension, which means I can do more of the things I want purely for my wife and me.

So reset your bookmarks to here, and enjoy.


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