Finding The Old Blogs

The Globe is based on my series of blogs over the years, and collects their web addresses here. All the old posts are accessible at the list of addresses below, and also there’ll be a list of archives in case Google ever does what it does to all the good things it builds, and pulls the plug. Yeah, they’ve done this a lot. Why do you ask?

So look – THIS magazine, I lease the server, I own it, and it only goes away when I do… A google (Okay, Alphabet) property, not so much. And I’ll back everything up on different cloud services. Hey, by the time I scratch it, storage will be so cheap it’ll essentially be eternal so I won’t need to set up a trust fund for it.

How to find the old blogs:

  • TEdALOG Lite II – yes, there was also a “TEdALOG Lite – Light reading for light thinkers, it’s what happens when you shut down the ole BBS” OG blog which is sadly lost in bitmist. And yes – it was preceded by “TEdLIVISION – don’t touch that dial!!!” BBS which I ran in the early 1990s.
  • TEdADYNE Systems. My cyber-ethics, technology gee-whiz blog and these days also cleantech and other technologies blog.
  • TEdAMENU Tuckertime. What? – I get hungry too. Plus, food is good. GOOD food is better…
  • The Body Friendly Zen Cookbook – HAHA! Gotcha! It’s not even a cookbook! (It was, but now it’s just Zen.)
  • PTEC3D Blog – this is my plans for recycling domination. And 3D printing ways to do that.
  • The Zorganite Encumber – you really should consider joining the Zorganite Encumber. And by reading this, you already have.
  • Grumpy Old Guy – do I hafta spell everything out? Just git offa ma lawn.

There are older “blogs” by which I mean that back in the days before Internet I ran a BBS and kept a set of text files there with various ideas and notes, then I did the same with early HTML files on the Internet, and then a series of different diary software and sites. I’m pretty sure there’s even a Tumblr site. As if…

  • Tumblr Alright, you got me. I do have that.
  • Medium. Check. (Damnit!)
  • Grumps Substack. I stopped updating this because of the person running it.

And there are odds and ends of writing, a blog of memoirs that I may open to the public one day, and some fiction writing. I’ll release those as I get them out of draft.


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